Thursday, 17 April 2014

DIY Sock Bunny

Creative way to sew a bunny with sock

1. Sock, colored, 1 pair
2. Sock, matching or contrasting color, 1
3. Safety eye, black, 2; or button; or felt
4. Poly-fill stuffing material
5. Embroidery floss, maroon pink
6. Sewing threads
7. Ribbon
1. Sewing machine (optional, you can hand-sew without machine)
2. Sewing needle and pins
3. Erasable fabric marker
4. Scissors
5. Blunt point tweezers
Let's get started..
Step 1:Gather all the necessary tools and materials as listed above.

Step 2:Cut open the hem seams with scissors if your main socks have folded hems.

Step 3:Cut out the heel part from one of the socks, then split it into 2, as shown in the picture (left sock).

Step 4:
a.) To sew the long lop ears for the sock bunny, get the foot piece of both main and matching socks.
b) Sketch a tear drop shape on the wrong side of the main sock.
c) Sew on the sketch lines and cut. Turn right side out. You will find that the ear pieces will curve in to the smaller matching sock.

Step 5: 
a) Sew the opening between the legs with slip or ladder stitch.
b) Push the raw edges in and pull the thread to close the opening. Knot the thread and hide it in the body.

Step 6:
a.) Position the arms on the body (slightly below the head) and pin.
b.) Slip stitch around to attach the arms to the body.

Step 7:

a.) Trim the heel part of the sock to an eclipse shape. Sew running stitch along the raw edge.  
b.) Pin and sew the tail to the back of the body.

Step 8: a.) Cut a small piece from the scrap of the matching sock, about 1″ x 1/2″ to make the nose. Trim it to eclipse shape.

Step 9:
a.) Sew the button eye on the marking. Let the needle come out from the other eye’s marking.
b.) Sew another eye, pull the thread to make the eyes set in.

Step 10: Completed!

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